Q1: How soon can I expect the delivery?
A1: You will receive the package within 3 to 5 business days after placing the order.
Q2: Do I need to pay for shipping fees for the order?
A2: We provide free shipping services for our customers in the United States.
Q3: Where can I find more information about the product?
A3: You can visit our download center to access the PDF files containing the product specifications you are interested in. Alternatively, you may directly consult with our technical advisor at: info@wsolar.com.
Q4: Do you offer military discounts?
A4: Absolutely, we provide discounts for active military personnel. To avail the discount, please verify your military status with our customer service department and proceed to place your order by calling 1-877-988-6677.
Q5: The order hasn't been shipped yet, but I would like to make changes to the order information. How can I proceed?
A5: You can contact us through the following:
1) Reach out to our online customer service directly on the website or leave a message.
2) Send an email to sales@wsolar.com.
3) Call our customer service hotline directly at 1-877-988-6677.
Q6: How can I process a return?
A6: For new, undamaged, and unaltered products, W SOLAR provides a 30-day refund policy. Returns beyond the 30-day period necessitate special authorization. Refunds for approved returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee and shipping costs. Please note that any modification to the product voids our warranty policy, and we cannot accept returns for such modified items. If you send us a modified product for a refund, you will be responsible for the return shipping expenses.
Q7: Under what circumstances will there be no charge for returns?
A7: Please be aware that W SOLAR will waive the restocking fee and cover the shipping costs for returned items under the following circumstances: carrier damage, defective product, product inconsistency with advertisements, incorrect product, or receipt of additional products not ordered. For all other reasons, customers are liable for both shipping and restocking fees.
Q8: I did not find the answer to my question, how can I reach you?
A8: Feel free to reach out to us through the following channels: give us a call at 1-877-988-6677, drop us an email at info@wsolar.com, or engage in a live chat with a W SOLAR representative by clicking the chat icon in the lower right corner.